Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Year, New Goals

Here it is - The start of school again.  The weather was terrific - rainy and cool.  A huge change compared to what we were growing weary of - hot and hot.  I am looking forward to a great year.  I hope to blog weekly if not daily.  I am hoping to keep the schedule of homework up-to-date weekly.  You will be able to see the plan for the week either here or on classroll.com.  I want this blog to be a communication board for parents and students.  Always, be free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  You can get in touch with my by Facebook, email, home phone, cell phone, and at work.  So there is no excuse for not contacting me because I'm available several ways.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Late Start for the New School Year

I was hoping to post sooner than today but getting back into the routine was rockier than I expected. So, here we are with the first nine weeks complete. It was fairly uneventful and the students are really great. The halls seem less tense this year this year. I asked the students if they noticed - some did and some didn't - Maybe it's just me. Parent/Teacher conference went well. I met a lot of great parents.

Last Saturday, I went to my first rocket launch. The organization who sponsors this annual launch is POTRocS. I had planned on staying for a few hours and then heading back to Amarillo for some time at the mall but I was enjoying myself so much that I stayed until the end. I met some very nice students and teachers from Presidio, TX. At the 2009 TARC they ranked 15th. That's impressive.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Picture Day for 1st hour

I was surprised that you guys could do this. I think its cool.

I love this picture because it shows parallel lines and transversals AND it has some great kids too.

Don't you love this quadrilateral push-up?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What I'm listening to today

The Nation’s Biggest Car Scam

Trying Out Wacky SkyMall Gadgets

Obama Unveils Tax Plan

Sen. Reid: Tax Loopholes ‘Simply Wrong’

Elizabeth Irvine - 5/5 Creating Healthy Balance Everyday:
Guest author of Mojo Mom
Welcome Amy Tiemann, author of newly released Mojo Mom: Nurturing Your Self While Raising a Family... will help you rediscover who you are, and how you can continue to share your talents with the world, even as you juggle the demands of family life. Followed with Beth's guided relaxation. If you dedicated the time to listen to these guided relaxations everyday, you will begin to see a difference in your life...things like- increased energy, a sense of calm and just generally feeling more joyful! http://www.healthymotherhealthychild.com

8-Year-Old Race-Car Driver: Going Fast 'is Fun'

What’s Next for Chrysler?